BINA Job Circular 2022 Institute of Nuclear Agriculture

Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture | BINA Job Circular 2022 published. job Details of the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture Job Circular 2022 can be found here Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture. BINA Job Circular Interested parties can find out more about the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture Job Circular 2022 on our website and the official Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture website at
BINA Job Circular 2022
A concerned applicant Bina Job Circular 2022 may apply to the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture Job Circular 2022 from 23 December 2022. Job Circular The application period will continue until 22 January 2022.
BINA Job Circular 2022
The Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture is launching a work cycle in 2022 for the people of Bangladesh Bina Job Circular. It is a 12-word circle, with 57 spaces available in the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture. BINA Job Circular Interested parties may apply to the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture for a job circular project. Both men and women can apply to the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture Job Circular 2022. But they must abide by circular all the rules, regulations, and conditions.
Institute of Nuclear Agriculture
Organization Information
Name of organization: Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) Job Circular 2022
Short name: BINA Job Circular 2022
BINA Job Circular 2022 Details: Launched in a small radio-tracer laboratory (RANGE) in 1961 under the auspices of the Atomic Energy Commission (formerly PAEC) in Dhaka, the Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (INA) was established in July 1972 with an organized group under I -BAEC (Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission) in Dhaka, and transferred to the Bangladesh Agricultural University campus, Mymensingh in 1975.
Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture
Chemical Industries Corporation In 1982, INA was granted the status of an independent national agricultural research institute “such as BARI and BRRI and placed under the administrative control of the Department of Agriculture BINA Job Circular 2022. In 1984, it was declared a national institution and renamed the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) with the promulgation of Ordinance No Chemical Industries Corporation. II of 1984.
Chemical Industries Corporation The BINA Ordinance was amended and passed by the Parliament of Bangladesh in accordance with Act No Chemical Industries Corporation. IV of 1996. Chemical Industries Corporation The headquarters of the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) is located on the campus of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh.
Institute of Nuclear Agriculture
About five miles south of Mymensingh Railway Station, and about 125 miles north of Dhaka City. Its infrastructure and associated facilities cover an area of 33 hectares within the BAU campus. In addition to its office campus, BINA has another residential campus in the city of Mymensingh covering an area of 8.2 hectares. The Director-General is the Chief Executive Officer of the institution assisted by the Director (Research), the Director (Management and Support Unit), and the Director (Training and Planning).
BINA Job Circular
General direction, administration, and oversight of the affairs of the Agency rest with the Board of Directors, which performs its functions in policy matters guided by such directives that may be granted to the Government from time to time. As the chief executive officer of the institution, the Director-General is the Chairperson of the Management Board by virtue of his or her position. A total of the Center staff at its headquarters, District office, and 578 sub-stations comprising the DG, three directors, 170 scientists, class 36 officers, 40 class II officers, class III staff 211, and 117- IV employees. Of the 170 scientists, however, 50 have a Ph.D. degree.
BINA Job Circular 2022 Institute of Nuclear Agriculture
It has 11 full research categories namely. Plant Breeding, Soil Science, Plant Science, Pest Science, Plant Disease, Agricultural Science, Agricultural Engineering, Training, Communication and Publishing, Biotechnology, Crop Farming, and Agricultural Economics. Currently, BINA has 1 regional office in Sreepur, Gazipur, and 13 sub-stations located in various parts of the country namely Rangpur, Surdi, Magura, Satkhira, Comilla, Jamalpur, Khagrachari, Sunamganj, Sherpur, Barisal, Gopalganj, Noakhali, and Chapainawabganj.
BINA Job Circular 2022
BINA also built a rich soil museum with various soil samples from Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation. BINA has well-equipped laboratories in almost all research fields and 3 glasshouses, field research centers at its headquarters in Mymensingh, one regional office, and thirteen sub-stations Chemical Industries Corporation. Major equipment Gamma (Co-60) Source, N-15 Analyzer, Liquid Scintillation Counter, Fluorescent and Phase Contrast Microscopes, Biolog, Gas Chromatograph, HPLC, PCR, Gel Electrophoresis, Gel Doc, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Gamma Spectrophotometer, -80 ° C Freezer, Portable Photosynthesis System, UV Spectrophotometer, Fermented, Neutron Moisture Meter, Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer, etc.
BINA Job Circular
BINA conducts its research activities in ten different locations BCIC Job Circular 2022. These i. Crop development through resulting flexibility, ii. Biotechnology, iii. Soil management and biofertilizer, iv. Irrigation and water control, v. Pest management, vi. Environmental characteristics of plant production, vii. Plant management, viii. Improvements in horticultural crops, ix. Technology transfer and impact assessment, and x. Socio-economic research BCIC Job Circular 2022. BINA has so far succeeded in developing and releasing 117 modern species of 18 important plants through nuclear techniques and these varieties are now making a significant contribution to the growth of Bangladesh agricultural production BCIC Job Circular 2022. BCIC Job Circular 2022 It has also been able to identify rhizobial in nine soil biological nitrogen fixes to increase soil yield of beans, pulses, and oil crops BCIC Job Circular 2022.
Organization Name:
Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) Job Circular 2022
Short Name:
BINA Job Circular 2022
Application Start Date:
March 23, 2022
Application End Date:
April 22, 2022
Adv No:
Web Link:
User ID:#GJOB2758
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